Congratulations on taking advantage of an excellent MSH benefit to grow your skills! Here you can access high-quality eLearning and certifications.
How to Login as a First-time User
1. Click the Login button or go to the 'Courses' page
2. In "User ID" field, enter your MSH email address. (This is always your user ID.) Then click Reset Password.
3. On the "Reset User Password" screen, enter your MSH email address. Do not enter a User ID in that blank.
4. Check your inbox for an email from talentdevelopment@msh.org. Copy this password.
5. Return to Login window and enter the password from your email and click Login .
6. After logging in, change your password to something you can easily remember.
Explore other MSH career development resources on OLLIE.

Multi-Lingual Courses
We offer a wide range of multi-lingual courses for you to access through our catalogue.
MSH invests in an annual Humentum membership, so that employees can access learning from top-quality vendors such as eCornell, Cegos, and Skillsoft.
Have you taken advantage of this benefit? Log in to get started.
First-time Users: Follow directions above.
Returning users: Click ‘Login to Learn’ and enroll in a course of your choosing!
Get started!
MSH is a proud member of Humentum. If you would like to learn more about what Humentum does, click here to find out.
To Log In and Enroll – 1st Time User: If you are a first time user, follow directions above to login and then enroll in a course.
To enroll as a Returning User: Click Log In in the upper left corner of this screen to login.
– To enroll, click Course Catalog & Enrollment.
– To access your current course enrollments, click your name in the upper right corner and then click Manage My Learning.
Obtain a certificate!
The certificate program will enable you to obtain a wide variety of professional and Masters certifications and and would cost approximately $6,000 if purchased independently. You’ll learn from esteemed professors and earn a certificate from the world-renowned Cornell University at no cost to you through the eLearning opportunities provided by MSH.
Click on eCornell in the menu above to learn more about eCornell certificates and courses.